Instruction Set Summary
Table 7–1. Accumulator, Arithmetic, and Logic Instructions (Continued)
Mnemonic OpcodeCyclesWordsDescription
SUB Subtract from ACC with shift of 0 to 15,
direct or indirect
Subtract from ACC with shift of 0 to 15,
long immediate
2 2 1011 1111 1010 SHFT
+ 1 word
Subtract from ACC with shift of 16,
direct or indirect
1 1 0110 0101 IAAA AAAA
Subtract from ACC, short immediate 1 1 1011 1010 IIII IIII
SUBB Subtract from ACC with borrow, direct or indirect 1 1 0110 0100 IAAA AAAA
SUBC Conditional subtract, direct or indirect 1 1 0000 1010 IAAA AAAA
SUBS Subtract from ACC with sign-extension
suppressed, direct or indirect
1 1 0110 0110 IAAA AAAA
SUBT Subtract from ACC with shift (0 to 15) specified by
TREG, direct or indirect
1 1 0110 0111 IAAA AAAA
Exclusive OR ACC with data value, direct or indirect 1 1
0110 1100 IAAA AAAA
Exclusive OR with ACC with shift of 0 to 15,
long immediate
2 2 1011 1111 1101 SHFT
+ 1 word
Exclusive OR with ACC with shift of 16, long
2 2 1011 1110 1000 0011
+ 1 word
Zero low ACC and load high ACC with rounding,
direct or indirect
1 1 0110 1000 IAAA AAAA