Legal Information 267
Legal Information
This section contains important legal notices about this product. In it, you
can find important information, service and support information, and
the license agreement.
Texas Instruments Support and Service
For general information
For technical support
For TI-Navigatorâ„¢ technical questions
For product (hardware) service
Customers in the U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico and Virgin
Islands: Always contact Texas Instruments Customer Support before
returning a product for service.
All other customers: Refer to the leaflet enclosed with this product
(hardware) or contact your local Texas Instruments retailer/distributor.
Home Page: education.ti.com
KnowledgeBase and
e-mail inquiries:
Phone: (800) TI-CARES / (800) 842-2737
For U.S., Canada, Mexico, Puerto Rico, and
Virgin Islands only
KnowledgeBase and
support by e-mail:
(not toll-free):
(972) 917-8324
E-mail: ti-navigator@ti.com
Phone: (866) TI-NAVIGATOR / (866) 846-2844