Troubleshooting 247
This section contains information to help you quickly solve any problems
you may encounter while using the TI-Navigator™ classroom learning
system. If you are unable to find an answer to your question here or in
the help, visit the TI-Cares KnowledgeBase.
Frequently-asked questions
Below you can find frequently-asked questions about the TI-Navigator™
classroom learning system. To help you find answers faster, the questions
are divided into the following categories:
• The Activity Center tool
• The App Transfer tool
• File transfers
• The Quick Poll tool
• The Screen Capture tool
• Students
• TI-Navigator™ network
The Activity Center tool
Why can’t I start activities after I open the Activity Center
You haven’t started a class session yet. You cannot start activities until
you start a class session.
Can I participate in activities from my calculator?
Yes, you can participate in activities from your calculator using your
teacher account. When you participate, you can do anything your
students can do.
Why can’t my students see the cursor in the graph?
The cursor is at (0,0). Because the cursor is the same color as the axes, the
axes hide it when it is at this location. If your students use the arrow keys
to move the cursor, they should be able to see it.
Why is the graph whose equation I hid still showing up?
You have the equation of the graph selected (highlighted). You must
deselect the equation of the graph to hide the graph.