DAC12 Introduction
19.1 DAC12 Introduction
The DAC12 module is a 12-bit, voltage output DAC. The DAC12 can be
configured in 8- or 12-bit mode and may be used in conjunction with the DMA
controller. When multiple DAC12 modules are present, they may be grouped
together for synchronous update operation.
Features of the DAC12 include:
- 12-bit monotonic output
- 8- or 12-bit voltage output resolution
- Programmable settling time vs power consumption
- Internal or external reference selection
- Straight binary or 2’s compliment data format
- Self-calibration option for offset correction
- Synchronized update capability for multiple DAC12s
Note: Multiple DAC12 Modules
Some devices may integrate more than one DAC12 module. In the case
where more than one DAC12 is present on a device, the multiple DAC12
modules operate identically.
Throughout this chapter, nomenclature appears such as DAC12_xDAT or
DAC12_xCTL to describe register names. When this occurs, the x is used
to indicate which DAC12 module is being discussed. In cases where
operation is identical, the register is simply referred to as DAC12_xCTL.
The block diagram of the two DAC12 modules in the MSP430F15x/16x
devices is shown in Figure 19−1.