
USART Registers: SPI Mode
USART Peripheral Interface, SPI Mode
14.3 USART Registers: SPI Mode
The USART registers, shown in Table 14−1 and Table 14−2, are byte
structured and should be accessed using byte instructions.
Table 14−1.USART0 Control and Status Registers
Register Short Form Register Type Address Initial State
USART control register U0CTL Read/write 070h 001h with PUC
Transmit control register U0TCTL Read/write 071h 001h with PUC
Receive control register U0RCTL Read/write 072h 000h with PUC
Modulation control register U0MCTL Read/write 073h Unchanged
Baud rate control register 0 U0BR0 Read/write 074h Unchanged
Baud rate control register 1 U0BR1 Read/write 075h Unchanged
Receive buffer register U0RXBUF Read 076h Unchanged
Transmit buffer register U0TXBUF Read/write 077h Unchanged
SFR module enable register 1
ME1 Read/write 004h 000h with PUC
SFR interrupt enable register 1
IE1 Read/write 000h 000h with PUC
SFR interrupt flag register 1
IFG1 Read/write 002h 082h with PUC
Does not apply to MSP430x12xx devices. Refer to the register definitions for registers and bit positions for these devices.
Table 14−2.USART1 Control and Status Registers
Register Short Form Register Type Address Initial State
USART control register U1CTL Read/write 078h 001h with PUC
Transmit control register U1TCTL Read/write 079h 001h with PUC
Receive control register U1RCTL Read/write 07Ah 000h with PUC
Modulation control register U1MCTL Read/write 07Bh Unchanged
Baud rate control register 0 U1BR0 Read/write 07Ch Unchanged
Baud rate control register 1 U1BR1 Read/write 07Dh Unchanged
Receive buffer register U1RXBUF Read 07Eh Unchanged
Transmit buffer register U1TXBUF Read/write 07Fh Unchanged
SFR module enable register 2 ME2 Read/write 005h 000h with PUC
SFR interrupt enable register 2 IE2 Read/write 001h 000h with PUC
SFR interrupt flag register 2
IFG2 Read/write 003h 020h with PUC
Note: Modifying the SFR bits
To avoid modifying control bits for other modules, it is recommended to set
or clear the IEx and IFGx bits using BIS.B or BIC.B instructions, rather than
MOV.B or CLR.B instructions.