HPM-2002-OBEVacuum Gauge Page 19 of 39
The setpoints may also be entered as a decimal number, e.g. [H=760.99<CR>] will be same as entering
[H=7.6099E+2<CR>] .
When inputting setpoint data, it should be entered in the same Units of Pressure as the presently selected
Units of Measurement (i.e. Torr, mbar or Pascal). The data is only checked to be a valid number with a one
digit exponent before being accepted. There are no limit checks on the data; the user is free to choose any value
appropriate to his use of the instrument.
The Turnaround Delay and RS-485 address are unique to multipoint communications. In order to prevent
inadvertent modifications of these parameters, the multipoint attention character and the Model 2002’s present
address [*{aa}] MUST be used and are checked for validity before the command is executed.
If the RS-485 address is unknown, the ‘UNIVERSAL ADDRESS’ [*00] may be used to set the address to a
known value, e.g. [*00A=35<CR>] will change the RS-485 address to 35.
Caution: Since all units will respond to the ‘UNIVERSAL ADDRESS’, make sure that only the unit to be
modified is connected to the RS-485 Bus. If more than one unit is connected, this will result in all of the units
being set to the same address.
The ‘UNIVERSAL ADDRESS’ is used for setup only; (i.e. to set all units to the same gas #) data is never
transmitted when the ‘UNIVERSAL ADDRESS’ is used.
The value entered for the Turnaround Delay is used to modify an internal timer which normally runs at ~8
millisecond, e.g. [*{aa}T=10<CR>] will set the delay to ~80 milliseconds.
If the command syntax is not met or if the number is out or range, the HPM-2002 will respond with the
ASCII codes for <bell>?<CR>, and the command will be ignored.
3.3.5. Calibration Adjustment Commands
Command Description Format Valid Range:
Set Full Scale Calibration CF={m.d}E{e}<CR> 5.12e+2 to 1.023e+3 Torr
6.83e+2 to 1.365e+3 mbar
6.83e+4 to 1.365e+5 Pascal
Set Midpoint Calibration CM={m.d}E{e}<CR> 4.00e+0 to 7.999e+0 Torr
5.34e+0 to 1.066e+1 mbar
5.34e+2 to 1.066e+3 Pascal
Set Low Scale Calibration CL={m.d}E{e}<CR> 0 to 1.2499e-1 Torr
0 to 1.666e-1 mbar
0 to 1.666e+1 Pascal
The calibration adjustment data may also be entered as a decimal number, e.g. [CF=760.99<CR>] will be
same as entering [CF=7.6099E+2<CR>].
When inputting calibration adjustment data, it must be within the valid range of the presently selected Unit
of Measurement (i.e. Torr, mbar or Pascal). The data is checked to be valid before being accepted.
If the command syntax is not met or if the number is out or range, the HPM-2002-OBE will respond with
the ASCII codes for <bell>?<CR> and the command will be ignored.
The ‘UNIVERSAL ADDRESS’ may be used to calibrate all connected units simultaneously, e.g.
3.3.6. Reset / Restore Commands
Command Description Format Notes:
Escape <Esc> Reset Command Buffer (ignore prior Input)
Software Reset /R<CR> Reinitialize Software