HPM-2002-OBEVacuum Gauge Page 18 of 39
The characters within wavy brackets { } contain choices for the appropriate command.
The characters within the symbols < > are the common abbreviations for the one digit ASCII control codes
which they represent, (e.g. <CR> represents carriage return).
When entering more than one command in the same data string, they must be separated by a comma.
All command strings must be followed by the terminator character (carriage return <CR>, also known as
When a lower case character is present in an example it represents an option.
Character Description Valid Inputs:
a RS-485 Address (hexadecimal 0-9, A-F) 01 - DF
m Most Significant Digit Of Mantissa 1 - 9
d Decimal Digit 0 - 9
e Exponent 0 - 5
u Unit Of Pressure T, M, or P
, Command Separator (comma) N/A
<CR> Command Terminator (carriage return) N/A
3.3.3. Interrogation Commands
Command Description Format Sample Response
Transmit Averaged Pressure P<CR> Pa: 1.23456e+0 Torr<CR>
Transmit Pirani Pressure R<CR> Pr: 1.98765e-3 Torr<CR>
Transmit Piezo Pressure Z<CR> Pz: 7.65432e+2 Torr<CR>
Transmit RS-485 Address A<CR> Multidrop Address: 01<CR>
Transmit Decimation Ratio D<CR> Decimation Ratio: 255<CR>
Transmit Selected Gas # G<CR> Gas#: 0<CR>
Transmit High Setpoint H<CR> Hi: 1.00000e+1 Torr<CR>
Transmit Low Setpoint L<CR> Lo: 1.00000e-2 Torr<CR>
Transmit Device Status S<CR> 00044<CR>
Transmit Turnaround Delay T<CR> Comm Delay: 6<CR>
Transmit Selected Units U<CR> Torr<CR>
Transmit Software Version # V<CR> Hastings Instruments-OBE 2002
Version 1.4 - (7-21-00) <CR>
3.3.4. Paramater Modification Commands
Command Description Format Valid Range:
Modify High Setpoint H={m.dd}E{+e}<CR> 1.00000e-9 to 9.99999e+9
Modify Low Setpoint L={m.dd}E{-e}<CR> 1.00000e-9 to 9.99999e+9
Modify Selected Gas # G={d}<CR> 0 to 4 (Decimal)
Modify Selected Units U={u}<CR> T, or M, or P
Modify Decimation Ratio D={dddd}<CR> 63 to 7936 (Decimal)
Modify RS-485 Address *{aa}A={aa}<CR> 1 to DF (Hexadecimal)
Modify Turnaround Delay *{aa}T={dd}<CR> 0 to 255 (Decimal)