
Copyright © TANDBERG 2008 Reference Guide Version 3.0 rev 3.0 43
8 Deprecated messages
These messages were supported in version 1.0 of the MCU 4200 Series Management API, but have since been
8.1 system.query
This method is deprecated in favour of “device.query” and “conference.enumerate”.
There are no parameters passed with this method call. The method response returns the following:
Parameter Type Comments
currentTime dateTime.iso8601 The system’s current time.
restartTime dateTime.iso8601 The date and time at which the system was last restarted.
The method also returns a ‘conferences’ <array> of <struct> for each conference, where each <struct>
contains the following parameters:
Parameter Type Comments
conferenceName String The name of the conference
numJoined Integer The number of participants that have ever joined the
numLeft Integer The number of participants that have ever left the
conference. The difference between numJoined and
numLeft gives the number of current participants.
Note that until conference.destroy is called for a particular conference, the conference will remain in the list of
conferences even after the conference has ended.
8.2 conference.query
This method is deprecated in favour of “conference.enumerate” and “participant.enumerate”.
Parameter Type Comments
conferenceName String The name of the conference of interest.
The method response returns the following:
Parameter Type Comments
startTime dateTime.iso8601 The time at which the conference started at or will start
endTime dateTime.iso8601 The time at which the conference will end. If the
conference is permanent then this parameter is absent.
pin String The PIN.
The method also returns a ‘participants’ <array> of <struct> for each conference, where each <struct>
contains the following parameters:
Response Type Comments
participantName String The participant name supplied in the participant.add