
Copyright © TANDBERG 2008 Reference Guide Version 3.0 rev 3.0 28
Field Type Comments
participantType String
conferenceName String
autoAttendantUniqueId String
connectionUniqueId Integer Corresponds to the uniqueId returned by a
conference or autoattendant.
currentState (optional) Struct The current state of the participant as used by the
MCU. Details of this struct are given below. This
is only present if requested in the operationScope
Struct The stored configuration of the participant, if any.
Details of this struct are given below. This is only
present if requested in the operationScope
If the endpoint is not configured, the configuredState structure is empty; otherwise the configuredState
structure contains the following entries:
Field Type Comments
address String
gatewayAddress String
The address used to connect to the remote
endpoint in question. Only returned when the
address is known.
useSipRegistrar Boolean Whether to use a registrar in making this a call.
transportProtocol String One of: default, tcp, udp or tls.
password String The password for vnc endpoints.
deferConnection Boolean true if this participant's connection is being
Boolean Indicates whether the displayName value is the
result of being overridden.
maxBitRateToMCU Integer
maxBitRateFromMCU Integer
As for “participant.add”; in kbps.
motionSharpnessTradeoff String One of default (if set to the global default
setting), preferMotion, preferSharpness and
audioRxMuted Boolean
audioRxGainMode String One of fixed, none or automatic.
audioRxGainMillidB Integer Only returned if audioRxGainMode is fixed.
videoRxMuted Boolean
videoTxWidescreen Boolean
layoutControlEnabled Boolean
cpLayout String The configured layout behavior for this
participant - see appendix A.
autoConnect Boolean Whether or not participants matching this
address should be automatically connected to the
autoDisconnect Boolean Whether or not the participant should be
automatically disconnected from the conference
when all other participants disconnect.
borderWidth Integer 0 (no border), or 1, 2, or 3 for +1/+2/+3.
linkType String One of: cascadeSlaveToMaster or default.
The currentState structure contains the following responses, if present.