
6.3. Re turn air cooler (op tional)
A re turn air cooler is gen er ally re quired in cases in which the re turn air
tem per a ture is over 65 °C (149°F).
A re turn air coo ler im pro ves the ef fi cien cy of the dry ing cells.
The re turn air coo ler re du ces the re turn air tem pe ra tu re to a de fi ned va lue.
The re turn air tem pe ra tu re is set at the ope ra ti on pa nel.
The lower the value cho sen for the re turn air tem per a ture, the better the
ef fi ciency of the dry ing cells.
The dryer is au to mat i cally switched off if tem per a ture ex ceeds 80 °C
Re turn air tem pe ra tu re is con ti nu ous ly mo ni to red; the re turn air coo ler is ac ti vat ed only when nee -
ded. If the re turn air tem pe ra tu re ex ceeds the set va lue (e.g. due to in ter rup ti on in the coo ling wa -
ter supp ly or soi ling), an alarm mes sa ge is gi ven.
The re turn air coo ler can be con nec ted to a coo lant cir cuit or to the wa ter mains net work.
6.4. Pre air cooler (op tional)
The pre air cooler re duces the pre air tem per a ture to a de fined value. The pre air tem per a ture is
set at the op er a tion panel. Pre air tem per a ture is con tin u ously mon i tored; the pre air cooler is ac ti -
vated only when needed. If the pre air tem per a ture ex ceeds the set value (e.g. due to in ter rup tion
in the cool ing wa ter sup ply or soil ing), an alarm mes sage is given.
The pre air cooler can be con nected to a cool ant cir cuit or to the wa ter mains net work.
STT 800
Functio nal des crip ti on 6-4