
Over flow
Press the ”F2"-key.
If the re are more cur rent alarm mes sa ges than can be sa ved, a war ning
mes sa ge (= re si du al buf fer rea ched) may be gi ven.
This functi on is pass word pro tec ted (Ster ling ser vi ce).
Over flow war ning On/Off
Press the SHIFT-key.
By me ans of the ar row keys, se lect ”on” if a war ning mes sa ge is to be gi ven.
By me ans of the ar row keys, se lect ”off” if no war ning mes sa ge is to be gi ven.
Press the EN TER-key.
If the over flow war ning mes sa ge is gi ven, press the ACK-key. De le te the
alarm mes sa ges.
Press the ESC-key.
De hu mi di fied Air Dry er
Er ror and er ror cor rec ti on 4-5