
6. Tech ni cal data
Ba sic Ver sion
In te grated con trol SSE / SSP
In te grated vac uum pump
Two com po nent valve out put
Parts com ing in con tact with ma te rial are made of stain less steel
Sim ple mount ing to dos ing and blend ing units due to com pact and weight sav -
ing de sign
Op tional Fea tures
In te grated fil ter with au to matic fil ter clean ing
Alarm out put
Granulator out put
Au to matic shut-down with lack of ma te rial
Per for mance
Typ i cal con vey ing ca pac ity
SSPET5: up to 300 kg/hr (660 lbs/hr)
Hop per loader ca pa ci ty
SSPET5: ap prox. 5 l (0.28 cf.)
Con nected load 230 V, AC, 50/60 Hz, 1.2 kW
Tech ni cal data 44