
This equip ment is not suit able for foods pro cess ing.
Ob serve that sound in ten sity lev els over 85 dB(A), may cause pro longed dam age
to health. Use suit able ear muffs. This avoids im pair ment of hear ing!
At tach ments not sup plied by Ster ling must be man u fac tured in ac cor dance with
safety reg u la tion EN 294. Cau tion! Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Check all lines, hoses and screwed con nec tions reg u larly for leaks and ob vi ous
dam age. Re pair dam age im me di ately. Cau tion: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
Depressurize all sys tem sec tions of the equip ment be fore car ry ing out any re pair
work. Cau tion: Dan ger of ac ci dents!
The equip ment may only be op er ated when all the as so ci ated com po nents are
prop erly con nected up and in ac cor dance with the rel e vant reg u la tions.
The safety in struc tions of the con nected ma chines must be fol lowed.
Safety in struc tions 11