4.1. Check ing the set tings of the con vey ing con trol
The num ber and way of the set ting de pends on the con nected con vey ing con trol.
This is a de scrip tion of two pos si bil i ties.
Sur veil lance time
This is safety fil ter mon i tor ing time be tween two cleanings. Has this time passed,
the safety fil ter ist cleaned au to mat i cally.
Cleaning cy cles
Num ber of clean ing pulses dur ing a clean ing pro cess.
4.2. Check ing the line sys tem
Re move the flex i ble line from the con nected ma te rial re cep ta cle.
Start a con vey ing pro ce dure.
Use your hand to cover the open end of the line.
As the vac uum gen er a tor runs up, you must feel the suc tion with your hand within
a few sec onds.
If no vac uum pres sure is felt, the sys tem of lines is leak ing.
Check the sys tem of lines and seal off the leak.
Start the con vey ing pro ce dure.
Con nect the con veyor line again.
Putting into op er a tion 24