1.4. For the op er at ing safety of the equip ment
Never change set tings if the con se quences are not pre cisely known.
Use only orig i nal Ster ling spare parts.
Please ob serve the main te nance sched ule.
Keep re cord of all main te nance and re pair work.
Please note that elec tronic com po nents may be dam aged by static dis charge.
Check all elec tri cal con nec tions for proper fit be fore the equip ment is taken into
op er a tion for the first time and at reg u lar in ter vals.
Never ad just sen sors with out ex act knowl edge of their func tion.
Please note that the am bi ent tem per a ture must not ex ceed 70 °C (158°F).
The safety fil ter may only be used to gether with a con vey ing sys tem.
The safety fil ter re quires a com pressed-air sup ply (max. 5-6 bar (72-87 PSI) sys -
tem overpressure).
Never set a higher op er at ing pres sure than 6 bar (87 PSI) for the safety fil ter (sys -
tem overpressure).
In stall the safety fil ter in the suc tion line right in front of the vac uum gen er a tor.
Ob serve that the fil ter clean ing pro ce dure is car ried out while the vac uum gen er a -
tor is run ning.
Ob serve the op er at ing in struc tions of the con vey ing sys tem.
Safety in struc tions 12