Section 2B: Controlling Your Phone’s Settings 51
2. SelectRoaming > Distinctive.(SelectNormalto
deactivate this feature.)
Selecting Ringer Types for Sprint Ready Link Calls
To select a ringer type for Sprint Ready Link calls:
1. Select >Settings > Sounds > Ringer Type > Ready Link.
2. SelectReady Link Calls,R-Link Missed,or R-Link Floor Tone.
3. Use your navigation key to scroll through the available
4. Press to assign the desired ringer.
Selecting Ringer Types for Voicemail or Calendar/Alarm
To select a ringer type for voicemail or calendar/alarm:
1. Select >Settings > Sounds > Ringer Type > Voicemailor
2. Press , and then use your navigation key to scroll
through the available ringers.
3. Press to assign the desired ringer.
Selecting Ringer Types for Messaging
To select a ringer type for messaging:
1. Select >Settings > Sounds > Ringer
Type > Messaging
2. SelectText,Picture Mail,or VoiceSMS.
3. Use your navigation key to scroll through the available
4. Press to assign the desired ringer.