Section 2G: Using the Phone’s Calendar and Tools 119
Calendar & Tools
Editing an Event on the Calendar
To edita scheduled event on the calendar, select the Weekly view.
To move an event:
1. Select the event you would like to move and press
Options (rightsoftkey).
2. SelectMove.
3. Use the navigation key to move the event to the date
and time you would like to and press .
To copy an event:
1. Select the event you would like to copy and press
2. HighlightMoveand press the navigation key left or right
to select Copy/Paste.
3. Use the navigation key to select the date and time you
would like to paste the copied eventand press Paste
(right softkey) or .
To change the start or end time of an event:
1. Select the event for which you would like to change the
startor end time and press Options (rightsoftkey).
2. HighlightMoveand press the navigation key left or right
to select Resize.
3. Use the navigation key up and down to change the start
. To change the end time, press
then use the navigation key.
4. Press .
To erase an event:
1. Selectthe eventyou would like to erase and press
2. HighlightMoveand press the navigation key left or right
to select Erase > > Ye s.
Use the right softkey (Upperor Lower) to toggle between:
• Upperto change the start time.
• Lowerto change the end time.