
Sinar AG
Stadtweg 24
CH-8245 Feuerthalen/Switzerland
Phone +41(0)526470707
Fax +41 (0)52 647 06 06
Photos: Sinar AG, Frank Brüderli,
Conné van d’Grachten, Marcus Heilscher,
Nuno Moreira, Dennis Savini, Grant Symon
Printed in Switzerland
Technical modifications reserved
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© Sinar AG, Switzerland
10 good reasons for choosing a Sinar camera.
1. Sinar has been the leading supplier of view camera solutions for 60 years
2. The unique modularity of Sinar camera systems assures compatibility of today’s Sinar p3
camera all the way back to the Sinar p camera that was introduced successfully in 1970 – and
into the future
3. In 1993, Sinar became the first manufacturer of view cameras to dedicate itself methodically
to professional digital photography.
4. In 2000, Sinar also introduced modern system solutions for medium-format photography
5. Sinar is the leading manufacturer of digital backs with single- and multi-shot capabilities
6. Sinar offers an open camera system for digital backs from Sinar and from other suppliers
7. All the components of the Sinar camera system are designed to meet the high demands of
professional photography
8. The quality chain – from the lens all the way to the digital back and accessories – assures the
photographer a maximum of data quality and it guarantees a distinct competitive advantage
9. The traditional Sinar Company is part of the worldwide Jenoptik conglomerate, which is a
leading enterprise dedicated to optics-, sensor- and laser technology. This guarantees product
development to the very latest state of technology.
10. Thus the economical decision for Sinar products and systems is an investment with long-term