
Unlimited creativity. Captured by Sinar.
Unlike a non-adjustable rigid camera, a
view camera allows converging lines to
be straightened out by means of easy
Sinar means system.
Sinar view camera systems – legendary Swiss precision craftsmanship –
optimized for digital photography.
The world of professional photography is as subject to the progress of our times as is the demand for
quality, which encompasses an ever larger spectrum. Sinar cameras are in unrestricted use wherever
professional skill, creativity and enterprising spirit are applied effectively and where quality-conscious
performance stands out distinctly above the “anonymous masses”.
Thanks to its logical and continuously effective modularity, only the Sinar System provides the fea-
tures that make it possible to meet these stringent demands. There are countless Sinar view cameras
in daily use around the world, providing dependable, premium quality contributions to an optimal
Sinar view cameras are considered to be the epitome of professional camera systems. To this day,
their precision, simplicity of operation and their longevity are unsurpassed and they constantly set
new standards in the world of professional digital and analog photography
Adequate camera systems
In today’s professional photography, there are manifold applications for different camera formats:
digital 35 mm and medium-format cameras as well as view cameras. The decision concerning the
acquisition of just the right camera system is dependent as much on the prospective fields of appli-
cation and their requirements as it is on one’s own performance expectations.
The fields of application of view cameras extend over a very broad range of professional photography.
Sinar Systems are in daily use in all fields: in still life-, industrial-, nature-, architectural-, reprographic-,
people-, and fashion photography.