14. Attach the Seal (28} tothe Upright (9) with thetwo
1/4" x 5/8" Baits (20} and a 1/4" x 2" Bolt(118).
15. Center one PodTube (22) in the Upright (9), and the
other PodTube in the Leg Developer(23). Slidethe
fourSmall Pads(17) ontothe ends of the Pad Tubes.
16. Restth.eLeftand RightPedals(75, 76] on the honks
• at the lower endsof the ResistanceCylinders(84).
Make sumthat the hooksare f_ily inserted intothe
same slotsunder both Pedals.
Hug theTransformer(39) intothejackIocalednear
84 39,
17. Make surethatallpadsare properlytightened.Theuseof allremainingpadswill beexploinedin ADJUSTING
THE•CROSSTRAINERe, beginningon page8 ofthisowner'smanual.
18. BeforeusingtheCROSS TRAINERe, testthe cablesand the pulleys.Make sure that the cables are ;n the grooves
in the pulleys. If the cables do not move smoothlyover the pulleys, locate and corred the problem before using
i the CROSS1RAINERe. If the cables are not properly routed, they will be damaged when used.