Assembly requires two persons.To assemblethe CROSSTRAINERe, usethe includedvideocassetteor followthe
instructionsbelow. Due to theweightof the CROSSTRAINERe, itshouldbe assembledin thelocationwhere itwill be
used.Placeall partsin a cleared a_-,aand remove the packing materials. Do not disposeof thepacking materials until
assembly iscompleted.Make sure ta lawer the resistancecylindersand pedalsbefore beginning assembly;if the
resistance cyfindersfall, they may damage the side shields.Read each assemblystepand examine each drawing
carefully. Referta thePart Identification Chart accompanying thisownersmanual, to helpidenfi_/the hardware usedin
assembly.Make sure that all parts are orlenled as shown in the drawings.
The followlng loals (notincluded)are required for assembly:,two 8" Adjustable Wrenches _ and a
RubberMallet _. A small amountof soapy water isalso required.
1. Set the Front Base(7) .andtheRear Base(8) on the
floorasshown.Turn theRear Baseso theindented
holesare towardthe floor.
Insert seven3/8" x 2 1/2" Carriage Bolts(1) up
through the indicatedholesin the Frontand Rear
Bases(7, 8).
2. With thehelpof a secondperson,set the Tower
Frame (10) near the indicatedendsof the Frontand
Rear Bases(7, 8). The TowerFrame mustbe turned
so the Pedals(75, 76) are on the some side as the
extension on theFront Base.Raisethe Tower Frame
and lower itontothe two indicated3/8" x 2 1/2"
Carriage Bolts(1) in theRear Base.
3. Raisethe frontof the Tower Frame(10) and lower it
ontothe two indicated 3/8 _'x 2 1/2" Carriage Baits
(1) in the FrontBase(7).
Adjust thepositionof the Tower Frame (10) so the
fourindicated3/8" x 2 1/2' Carriage Bal_(1) ore
centeredin the slottedholesin theTower Frame.
Thread a 3/8" Nut (2) with a 3/8" Iockwasher (3)
ontoeach Carriage Bolt.Do not fighlen the Nuls
1 7