
Oilingthe Machine
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Oil the machine m all areas shown on the next two pages at least once a year; otherwise the machine can become sluggish or will knock loudly, tf you
use the machine frequently, oil the machine under the top cover about every three months, In case machne _s not used for an extended t_meo oil It
before sewing. Use good quality sewing machine oil. One or two drops of oil ts sufficient. Remove excess oil, otherwise it may stain fabric,
Kenmore sewing machine oil _savailable at vour nearest Sears retail store.
NOTE: Unplug the machine before oiling.
Oil behind the Face Cover Plate
Open face cover plate and oil points m ilfustrat_on.
Use only a drop of oil; do not over-oil.
Oil under the Top Cover
Remove top cover plate to oil potnts indicated in top of machine head. To remove cover plate,
loosen up two top screws and lift the cover plate as illustrated.