Stitch Length Controt Adjusting Stretch Stitch
Reverse Stitch Control
6 8 12240
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The stitch length control regulates the
length of the stitch.
The htgher the number, the shorter the
0 means no feed.
in stretch stitch sewing, Stitch Length
Control should be tn the detent posi-
tion between S and L ( v position) for
most materials. Depending upon the
type of fabnc used, you may need to
adiust th_s control to match forward
stttches of stretch sewing with reverse
motion stitches. To shorten stretch
stitches, turn the control slightly to-
ward "S", To lengthen, turn toward
Smock ing stretch
Rlckrack stretch
To reverse stitch, hold down this con.
trot during sewing.
Release to sew forward again.