Suit.in S_
S_p-in Aut_ittc System
Your Ken_ bdngs you two buttonhole
syste_ along with several _iel acc_
s_ that enab_ you to me all your
clothes "€i_lng" proteins.
Your built-in _tsm enables you to sew
button_ with flni_ ends tbar-tncked)
by limply moving the canvas. Only two
€entral Nttlnga am _uired. An I_rtan!
aid Ii the buttonhole guide foot iin your
ac_ box),
Your _ Automatic Buttonhole System
isa Kenmore "Exclusive". It repeats identical
butt_ quicklyand easily with no
to touchcontrol.
You will find following parts in your
acc_ box:
1, BuUonhole guide plate.
2. Three templates which _ you a choice
of butt_hole styles end lengths.
3. Cover r4ats with pinion gear,
4, Butlonhole foot.
Always make a practice buttonhole on a
scrap of fabric you plan to use, Try the
buttonhole with the button you will use,
ANvoyI use on interfacing in area of
go.ant whore buttonholes ere pieced,
Tissue paper or regular interf_ing can
be u_, Tear paper away sfter stitch-
For heavier weight fabrics, loosen your
top thread tension slightly,