I. Pull out retractable spool pin and place
thread spool on the pin. To windbobbin,
draw thread from spool through bobbin
winder tension disc as indicated, and pull
end of thread toward bobbin winder.
2. Wind thread around bobbin aev,oral times
in direction of arrow; place bobbin on
bobbirl winder shaft,
3, Push bobbin winder latch against bobbin
until it €lk_kl. Then pull Hand Wheel
away from machine to disengage clutch
_'_/_I _ outto
(see diagram below), Start machine by
pressing down on foot control,
4. When bobbin is fuN, winding stops
automatically. Push in Hand Wheel.
Remove bobbin from shaft and trim
thread end.
Treat hand wheel as a "clutch"
It controls the needle drive mechanism so
that when pulled out (disengaged), the
machine will not operate while the bobbin
is being wound.