Test Mode:
Each Test Mode for the Frontier Washer is as follows in the coming pag
es. The test modes indicated by the red
arrows are the modes unable to get an access once the washing cycle has started due to safety reasons.
Definition of Quick Test Mode:
- Check operation of all LED’s (Verify faulty LED).
- Check model and software version.
- Check different operating modes (e.g. water valve, motor, door, drain pump, etc.).
How to Enter:
- Plug in and turn on the unit.
- Press Spin Key, Soil Level Key and Power Key at the same time.
(Same for all Frontier models.)
Quick Test Mode:
1. All LED’s light up and it sends out Beep Sound when it enters
into the Quick Test Mode. (Including 7-Segment)
2. Displays software version for a sec.
(Ex. If S/W Version is 60, 7-Segment
will display U060)
After displaying the software version, 7-Segment will display the
following information for each model.
-F1 : WF326LAW, WF326LAS
-F2 : WF316LAW
-F2b: WF316BAC, WF316BAW
-F3 : WF306LAW
-F8b: WF306BHW
- EEEE : Model option Error (Need to replace PCB Assy.)
4. When model information is being displayed,
press the following keys to test various components
-Temp Key : Water Valve Test
-Spin Key : Motor Test
-Soil Level Key : Door Lock/Unlock Test
-Signal Key : Drain Pump Test
Quick Test Mode:
1. All LED’s light up and it sends out Beep Sound when it enters into the Quick
Test Mode. (Including 7-Segment)
2. Displays software version for a sec.
(Ex. If S/W Version is 60, 7-Segment will display U060)
3. After displaying the software version, 7-Segment will display the following
information for each model.
- F1 : WF326LAW, WF326LAS
- F2 : WF316LAW
- F2b: WF316BAC, WF316BAW
- F3 : WF306LAW
- F8b: WF306BHW
- EEEE : Model option Error (Need to replace PCB Assy.)
4. When model information is being displayed, press the following keys to test
various components.
- Temp Key : Water Valve Test
- Spin Key : Motor Test
- Soil Level Key : Door Lock/Unlock Test
- Signal Key : Drain Pump Test.
4-2-1. Quick Test Mode