
Description Corrective Action
1 nd 1
The water level fails to drop below the Reset Water Level
within 15 minutes.
Go to “ Will Not Drain” Troubleshooting
2 LO 2
Door fails to unlock after 3 attempts.
Go to “ Will Not Unlock” Troubleshooting
3 nF 3
When the filling continues for more than 16 minutes or there
is no change of water level for 3 minutes
Go to “ No Water Fill” Troubleshooting
4 FL 4
Door fails to lock after 3 attempts.
Go to “ Will Not Lock” Troubleshooting
5 LE 8
Water Level Sensor Trouble.
(When the input signal from the water level sensor is out of
range, the unit will send out beeping sounds and halts the
Go to “No Water Fill” Troubleshooting Section.
6 OE E
A fault is detected in the water level sensor.
Data (frequency) shows the water level is at or above the
overflow water level. (When this condition is detected, the
machine will automatically starts draining water until the water
level falls below the overflow water level)
First check to see that all of water valves are
not stuck. If water valves are OK, check water
level sensor.
7 dc 10
Unbalance or cabinet bump is detected during final spin,
which prevents the drum from spinning over 400 rpm. (Never
exceeds 400 RPM due to unbalanced load)
Go to “Wet Clothes” Troubleshooting Section.
8 - 11
EEPROM Fault. (Program settings are being reset.)
Go to “EEPROM Clear Mode” If display
shows “FAiL”,Replace Machine Control
9 E2 15
Jammed Key.(When key input signals are coming out for
more than 30 seconds, it is regarded as a jam.)
Check all of keys. If A key is sensed to be
pressed, all keys will do not respond.
10 dL 18
Door is detected as open when the motor is operating.
Check for loose wire connections.
Go to “Quick Test Mode” and then do Door
lock/Unlock Test and Motor Test.
11 dS 22
Door is detected as open while it is trying to lock the door.
Go to “Quick Test Mode” and then do Door
Lock/Unlock Test
12 bE 25
Motor hall sensor signals come out without motor operation. Replace Machine Control Board.
13 tE 29
Abnormal high/low temperature or resistance (Thermal
sensor or PBA) resistance.
Go to “ Board Input Test” and check Water
Temperature. Check loose or pinched wires.
Replace PCB or thermistor.
14 E3 2E
MICOM is attempting to drive the motor but is not getting any
response signals from the hall sensor. Visual check shows
motor is not running. (Locked, Defective Hall Sensor or
Evaluate wire harness for loose or unhooked
connections. Go to “ Quick Test Mode” and
test Motor.
15 Sr 34
System Relay (Main Relay) Failure. (PCB does not notice the
relay operation when there should be.)
Replace PCB.
16 Hr 36
Heater Relay Failure (No Heater Relay Check Signal) Replace PCB
17 3E 3E
Over-current is detected. Motor won’t turn.
(IPM detects over-current.)
Evaluate wire harness for loose or unhooked
Go to “ Quick Test Mode” to test Motor.
18 2E 91
Voltage for motor control bus is over specified limit. Replace PCB
19 2E 92
Voltage for motor control bus is under specified limit. Replace PCB
20 8E 8E
MEMS Sensor Failure. (No MEMS Sensor Check Signal)
Check MEMS PCB ,Main PCB & Wire-
21 7E 7E
Silver Care Kit (Silver Care PCB) Failure.
Check Silver Care PCB ,Main PCB & Wire-
22 PF -
It occurs when there is power failure during the washing.(“PF”
is not an error. It is to inform the user of power failure.)
23 SUdS -
Suds is detected during the washing session. (“SUdS” is not
an error. If the washer is in suds period, “SUdS” will light up
instead of remaining time.)
Guide a user to reduce amount of detergent