▌4.4.3 Commands list for STAR mode (SP500)
Command Description Hex
1 ESC GS t Specify code page 1B 1D 74
2 ESC R Specify international character set 1B 52
3 ESC / Specify/cancel slash zero 1B 2F
4 ESC M Specify 7×9 font (half dots) 1B 4D
5 ESC P Specify 9×9 font 1B 50
6 ESC : Specify 5×9 font (3P-1) 1B 3A
7 ESC SP Specify character space 1B 20
8 SO Specify double-wide expanded characters 0E
9 DC4 Cancel double wide printing 14
10 ESC W Specify/cancel double-wide printing 1B 57
11 ESC h Specify/cancel double-high printing 1B 68
12 ESC E Select emphasized printing 1B 45
13 ESC F Cancel emphasized printing 1B 46
14 ESC - Select/cancels underline mode 1B 2D
15 ESC _ Select/cancels upperline mode 1B 5F
16 ESC 4 Specify white/black inversion and red color printing 1B 34
17 ESC 5 Cancel white/black inversion and specify black color printing 1B 35
18 SI Select upside-down printing 0F
19 DC2 Cancel upside-down printing 12
20 ESC RS i Specify/cancel rotating print mode 1B 1E 69
21 LF Line feed 0A
22 CR Line feed (according to Memory Switch settings) 0D
23 ESC a Feed paper n lines 1B 61
24 ESC 0 Set line feed to 1/8 inch 1B 30
25 ESC 1 Set line feed to 7/72 inch 1B 31
26 ESC z 0("0") Set line feed to 1/12 inch 1B 7A 00(30)
27 ESC z 1("1") Set line feed to 1/6 inch 1B 7A 01(31)
28 ESC J Execute n/72 inch paper feed one time 1B 4A
29 ESC A Define n/72 inch pitch line feed 1B 41
30 ESC 2 Set ESC A line feed pitch 1B
31 ESC 3 Set line feed to n/216 inch line feed pitch (approximate value) 1B 33
32 ESC y Set line feed to n/144 inch line feed pitch 1B 79
33 ESC I Execute n/144 inch paper feed one time 1B 49
34 FF Form feed 0C
35 ESC C Set page length to n lines 1B 43
36 ESC C 0 Set page length to n inches 1B 43 00
37 VT Feed paper to vertical table position 0B
38 ESC B Set vertical tab position 1B 42
39 ESC N Set bottom margin to n lines 1B 4E
40 ESC O Cancel bottom margin 1B 4F
41 ESC l Set left margin 1B 6C
42 ESC Q Set right margin 1B 51
43 HT Move print position to horizontal tab position 09
44 ESC D Set/cancel horizontal tab position 1B 44
45 ESC GS a Specify position alignment 1B 1D 61
46 ESC GS A Specify absolute position 1B 1D 41
47 ESC GS R Specify relative position 1B 1D 52
48 ESC & Register/delete download characters 1B 26
49 ESC % Set/cancel download characters 1B 25
50 ESC K Standard density bit image 1B 4B