the Recent Call log. During a call, press and hold will
launch the speakerphone option. During a call, a short
press will place the call on hold or unhold.
8. Voicemail key: Press and hold the key to
automatically dial your voicemail.
9. Built in QWERTY Keypad: allows you to enter numbers,
letters, and characters using a full Qwerty keypad
10.Microphone: The Microphone allows the other callers to
hear you clearly when you are speaking to them.
11.Messaging: A short press of the Messaging key allows
you to access the SMS/MMS, Microsoft Mobile
E-mail or other E-mail accounts you have setup. A long
press of this key will darken the screen to save battery
life-any key pressed will show the screen.
12.End key: Ends a call or exit a program. Press and hold
this key for two seconds to lock they keypad. While in the
main menu, it returns the phone to standby mode and
cancels your input. When you receive an incoming call,
press the Left Soft key Ignore. During a call, you can
reject by pressing the key.
13.Back/Clear key: Press to close the current menu and
return to the previous menu or screen. While in any text
edit screen, you can also press to backspace and clear
text. Press and hold to clear all text in the field.
14.Right Soft key (RSK): allows you to select softkey
actions or menu items corresponding to the bottom right
line on the display screen.