5. Select a target unit from the lower unit field. The
equivalent value appears.
To reverse the unit fields for continuous conversions, press the Menu soft
key and select Reverse.
For the currency converter, you may need to change currency rates. Press
the Menu soft key and View rates.
You can measure elapsed time interval.
1. On the Home screen, press the Start soft key.
2. Select Organizer > Stopwatch.
3. Press the Start soft key to start the timer.
4. Press the Record soft key to check an interval.
You can do this step for a total of 99 intervals.
5. Press the Stop soft key to stop the stopwatch.
6. Press the Reset soft key to reset the timer.
Tasks is a convenient place to create task reminders.
You can mark a task as completed or delete a task.
To open Tasks:
On the Home screen, press the Start soft key and select
Organizer > Tasks.
Creating a task note
1. Enter your task information in the Enter new task here
2. When you have finished, press .