Scanning_ 8
5.When done, press OK.
Linux scanning
You can scan a document using the Unified Driver Configurator window.
1. Double-click the Unified Driver Configurator on your desktop.
2. Click th
e button to switch to Scanners Configuration.
3. Select th
e scanner on the list.
If you use only one machine device and it is connected to the computer
and turned on, your scanner appears on the list and is automatically
If you have two or more scanners conn
ected to your computer, you can
select any scanner to work at any time. For example, while acquisition is
in progress on the first scanner, you may select the second scanner, set
the device options and start the image acquisition simultaneously.
4. Click Prop
5. Loa
d originals face up into the document feeder, or place a single
original face down on the platen glass
(See "Loading originals" on page 1).
6. From th
e Scanner Properties window, click Preview.
The document is scanned and the image preview appears in the
eview Pane.
7. Drag the pointer to set the image area to be scanned in the Preview
8. C
hange the scan options in the Image Quality and Scan Area sections.
mage Quality: This option allows you to select the color composition
and the scan resolution for the image.
•Scan Area: This option allows you to select the page size. The
Advanced button enables you to set the page size manually.
If you want to use one of the preset scan option settings, select the
option from
the Job Type drop-down list (See "Adding Job Type
Settings" on page 8).
Click Default to
restore the default setting for the scan options.
9. When you have finished, click Scan to start scanning.
The status bar appears on the bottom le
ft of the window to show you the
progress of the scan. To cancel scanning, click Cancel.
10. The scanned image appears.
If you want to edit the scanned imag
e, use the toolbar (See "Using the
Image Manager" on page 9).
11. W
hen you are finished, click Save on the toolbar.
12. Se
lect the file directory where you want to save the image and enter the
file name.
13. Click Sa
Adding Job Type Settings
You can save your scan option settings for later use.
To save a new Job Type setting:
1.Change the options from the Scanner Properties window.
2.Click Sa
ve As.
ter the name for your setting.
4.Click OK.
Your setting is added to the Save
d Settings drop-down list.
To save a Job Type setting for the next scan job:
1.Select the setting you want to use from the Job Type drop-down list.
he next time you open the Scanner Properties window, the saved
setting is automatically selected for the scan job.