
I. Overview
1. DVM system series
1-1. What is DVM?
The DVM(Digital Variable Multi) air conditioning system is operated by a variable-capacity compressor
and is accommodated by multiple evaporators (indoor units). It is touted as the next-generation modular
system in the world of high-efficiency air conditioning. lt has undoubtedly changed the face of cooling
associated with high-storied buildings. It provides a broad range of different applications for settings such
as offices, hotels and schools. With its easy installation and simple controlling system, the DVM will more
than meet the demands of the air conditioning market.
Ceiling type
Outdoor unit
4-way cassette type
Floor standing type 1-way cassette type
Duct type (Low silhouette) Duct type (Built-in)
Duct type (High pressure) Wall-mounted type
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