
11) Temperature sensor (OATS, Outdoor Air Temperature Sensor)
To measure the outdoor temperature which is used for the determination of start method.
12) Fixed scroll compressor
The fixed capacity type compressor.
13) 4-way valve (4-W/V)
It enables the change between cooling and heating by reversing the flow direction of refrigerant.
14) Electronic expansion valve (EEV)
By sensing suction temperature and low pressure, controls the suction super heat and mass flow of r
15) Check valve (C/V)
To reduce the loss of pressure at the electronic expansion valve while cooling and to prevent the over-load
of the compressor.
16) SUC.S (Suction sensor)
To control EEV for optimized suction super heat to control over-heating at the electronic expansion valve
by the temperature of the compressor suction part when heating.
17) OIL.S (Oil sensor)
To control EEV against liquid back and low dilution of oil to protect the compressor by measuring the tem-
perature of oil used for controling SUMP at low temperature in cooling / heating mode.
18) Temperature sensor (FDTS, Fixed Discharge Temperature Sensor)
It is the means to measure the refrigerant temperature of compressor outlet which is used as the data for
control of fixed compressor.
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