SpinPoint V40 Product Manual
DRDY shall be set to one.
DF (Device Fault) shall be cleared to zero.
DRQ shall be cleared to zero.
ERR shall be cleared to zero.
After successful command completion, all read and write access attempts to addresses greater than
specified by the successful SET MAX ADDRESS command shall be rejected with an IDNF error.
IDENTIFY DEVICE response words 1, 54, 57, 60, and 61 shall reflect the maximum address set with this
Hosts should not issue more than one non-volatile SET MAX ADDRESS command after a power-on or
hardware reset. Devices should report an IDNF error upon receiving a second non-volatile SET MAX
ADDRESS command after a power-on or hardware reset.
The contents of IDENTIFY DEVICE words and the max address shall not be changed if a SET MAX
ADDRESS command fails.
After a successful SET MAX ADDRESS command using a new maximum cylinder number value the
content of IDENTIFY DEVICE words will abide by the following rules:
1) The content of words 3, 6, 55, and 56 are unchanged
2) The content of word 1 shall equal (the new SET MAX cylinder number + 1) or 16,383, whichever is less
3) The content of words (61:60) shall equal [(the new content of word 1 as determined by the successful
SET MAX ADDRESS command) .(the content of word 3) .(the content of word 6)]
4) If the content of words (61:60) as determined by a successful SET MAX ADDRESS command is less
than 16,514,064, then the content of word 54 shall be equal to [(the content of words (61:60)) ý ((the
content of IDENTIFY DEVICE word 55) .(the content of word 56)] or 65,535, whichever is less
5) If the content of word (61:60) as determined by a successful SET MAX ADDRESS command is greater
than 16,514,064, then word 54 shall equal the whole number result of [[(16,514,064) ý [(the content of
word 55) .(the content of word 56)]] or 65,535 whichever is less) The content of words (58:57) shall
be equal to [(the new content of word 54 as determined by the successful SET MAX ADDRESS
command) .(the content of word 55) .(the content of word 56)]
After a successful SET MAX ADDRESS command using a new maximum LBA address the content of
IDENTIFY DEVICE words will abide by the following rules:
.- The content of words (61:60) shall be equal to the new Maximum LBA address + 1.
.- If the content of words (61:60) is greater than 16,514,064 and if the device does not support CHS
addressing, then the content of words 1, 3, 6, 54, 55, 56, and (58:57) shall equal zero.
If the device supports CHS addressing:
.- The content of words 3, 6, 55, and 56 are unchanged.
.- If the new content of words (61:60) is less than 16,514,064, then the content of word 1 shall be equal to
[(the new content of words (61:60)) ý [(the content of word 3) .(the content of word 6)]] or 65,535,
whichever is less.
.- If the new content of words (61:60) is greater than or equal to 16,514,064, then the content of word 1
shall be equal to 16,383.
.- If the new content of words (61:60) is less than 16,514,064, then the content of word 54 shall be equal to
[(the new content of words (61:60)) ý [(the content of word 55) .(the content of word 56)]].
.- If the new content of words (61:60) is greater than or equal to 16,514,064, then the content of word 54
shall be equal to 16,383.
.- Words (58:57) shall be equal to [(the content of word 54) .(the content of word 55) .(the content of word