SpinPoint V40 Product Manual
Table 6-6 IDENTIFY DEVICE information (continued)
Word Content Description
15-14 Reserved
13 1=Standby timer values as specified in this standard are supported
0=Standby timer values shall be managed by the device
12 Reserved
11 1=IORDY supported
0=IORDY may be supported
10 1=IORDY may be disabled
9 Shall be set to one.
8 Shall be set to one.
49 0B00h
7-0 Retired
50 0000h Reserved
51 0200h PIO data transfer cycle timing mode
52 0200h DMA data transfer cycle timing mode
15-3 Reserved
2 1=the fields reported in word 88 are valid
1 1=the fields reported in words 64-70 are valid
53 0007h
0 1=the fields reported in words 54-58 are valid
54 XXXXh Number of current logical cylinders
55 XXXXh Number of current logical heads
56 XXXXh Number of current logical sectors per track
57-58 XXXXh
Current capacity in sectors
Word 57 specifies the low world of the capacity
Current Multiple setting. Bit assignments
15-9 Reserved
8 1=Multiple sector setting is valid
59 0XXXh
7-0 xxh=Current setting for number of sectors
60-61 XXXXh
Total number of user addressable sectors (LBA mode only)
Word 57 specifies the low world of the capacity
62 0000h Reserved
Multiword DMA Transfer Capability
15-8 Multiword DMA transfer mode active
63 XX07h
7-0 (=7) Multiword DMA transfer modes supported (support mode 0 , 1 and 2)
Flow Control PIO Transfer modes supported
15-8 Reserved
64 0003h
7-0 (=3) Advanced PIO modes supported (‘11b’ = PIO Mode 3 and 4 Supported)
Minimum Multiword DMA transfer cycle time per word
65 0078h
15-0 Cycle time in nanoseconds (120ns, 16.6MB/S)
Manufacturer’s recommended Multiword DMA transfer cycle time
66 0078h
15-0 Cycle time in nanoseconds (120ns, 16.6MB/S)
Minimum PIO transfer cycle time without flow control
67 0078h
15-0 Cycle time in nanoseconds (120ns, 16.6MB/S)
Minimum PIO transfer cycle time with IORDY flow control
68 0078h
15-0 Cycle time in nanoseconds (120ns, 16.6MB/S)
69-79 0000h Reserved
Major version number
80 001Eh
15-0 (=1Eh) ATA-1, ATA-2, ATA-3 and ATA/ATAPI-4
Minor version number
81 0017h
15-0 (=17h) ATA/ATAPI-4 X3T13 1153D revision 17