Tap this icon to select the Planner mode. Planner has four functions: Calendar, Schedule,
Anniversary and ToDo.
The Calendar function is used to view 2 months of Schedules, Anniversary and ToDo activities.
Icons next to a specific date indicate the type of events specified for that date:
• A dot on the upper right of a date indicates an existing morning schedule event for that
date. A dot on the lower right of a date indicates an existing afternoon schedule event for
that date.
• A bar on the right of a date indicates an existing anniversary event for that date.
• An underscore on the date indicates an existing ToDo event for that date.
Finding the Desired Date in the Calendar
• Tap the single Up/Down arrows on the scroll bar to navigate one month at a time.
• Tap the double Page up/Page down arrows to scroll two months at a time.
• To view details of appointments, ToDo or anniversary items for the date indicated, tap
that date. Then Tap any listed event to view its details.
The day’s records will be listed in the following order:
1. Anniversary
2. ToDo
3. Appointment records with time specified
, and to toggle between weekly, monthly and daily views as shown below:
Tools Options in Calendar
You can add a planner record using the Tools menu in the Planner. Tap the desired type of record.
Add appointment
Add ToDo Task
Add anniversary
Edit highlighted record
Delete highlighted record