There are several ways to find records in the applications. They are as follows:
• Press the Up/Down arrows on the scroll bar to scroll through a long list.
• Press the Up/Down double arrows to scroll each page of the list at a time.
• Tap
on the application menu to select the Business or Personal category to be viewed. Tap
Business to see records stored under the Business category. Tap Personal to see records
stored under the Personal category. Tap All to see records stored under both categories.
• Use the search option in the Tools menu.
Select this function when looking for a specific record. The fields to be searched are different
depending on which application is searched.
To use the Search option:
1. Tap
to start Search record.
2. Enter the desired text for the search.
3. Enter start and stop date if required.
4. Tap
. A list of records is displayed that match the search text.
5. Tap the desired record in the Search Result list.
Once a record has been highlighted in the Applications List mode, or in the Records View mode,
you can delete it from memory.
To Delete a Record in the List Mode:
1. Select the List mode for the desired application.
2. Tap on the record you wish to delete.
3. Tap Tools, Delete record.
4. The PDA will prompt,
5. Tap YES if you wish to delete the record, tap NO if you wish to cancel the deletion.