
Polk Audio Customer Service 800-377-7655 (Outside USA & Canada: 410-358-3600) polkcs@polkaudio.com
Frequently Asked Questions
9. How do you adjust the bass/treble levels of this unit?
§ You can adjust the bass level by adjusting the subwoofer
level, but you cannot adjust the treble level. To adjust the
subwoofer level you can do it one of two ways:
a. Use the included remote and look for the “sub +” and
“sub –“ keys. While the SurroundBar system is on and
playing sound, aim the remote at the bar (not the
subwoofer) and you should see the lights on the bar flash
while making the adjustments. You should also hear a
gradual change in the subwoofer’s volume.
b. From the front of the unit itself, while the unit is on
(status light should be solid green, with sound playing
from the bar), press and release (do not hold) LEARN.
The light should become solid orange. Then use the up
and down arrows on the bar to control the subwoofer