Polk Audio Customer Service 800-377-7655 (Outside USA & Canada: 410-358-3600) polkcs@polkaudio.com
Frequently Asked Questions
6. Can you supply me the 4 or 5 digit code to punch into
my cable/satellite box remote to control the Polk
§ There really isn’t a code to program. What happens is the
bar learns to respond to your original TV remote codes. Do
not use a DirecTV, cable box or similar remote to do the
training. You can still use these but only AFTER you’ve
trained the bar to respond to your original TV remote. See
the first Question.
7. I just got a new TV/cable box, etc. and the bar needs to
relearn the codes. How can I “reset” the bar?
§ Turn the bar off so its status light is solid red, then press
and hold “learn” on the bar until the status light in the
middle flashes orangey/green twice. You have now erased
the bar’s memory and restored it to the factory default