When connecting to a network using a PoE+ hub
<Required cable>
LAN cable (category 5e or better, straight, STP*)
* E model only
• Thevideomonitorisusedforcheckingtheadjustmentoftheangularfieldofviewwheninstallingthecameraorwhen
servicing. It is not provided for recording/monitoring use.
• Dependingonthemonitor,somecharacters(cameratitle,presetID,etc.)maynotbedisplayedonthescreen.
• Useaswitchinghuborarouterwhichiscompliantwith10BASE-T/100BASE-TXorbetter.(Whensupplyingthepower
to a hub or router, apply PoE+ (IEEE802.3at compliant).) It is impossible to supply the power to this product from a
PoE hub or router that is compliant with IEEE802.3af standard.
• Powersupplyisrequiredforeachnetworkcamera.
• Whenusing24VAC,powersupplyfromaPoE(orPoE+)huborrouterisnotrequired.
PoE+ (IEEE802.3at compliant) is applied when the power is supplied.
LAN cable (category 5e or
better, straight, STP*)
LAN cable (category 5e or
better, straight, STP*)
LAN cable (category 5e or
better, straight, STP*)
Video monitor
(for adjustment use only)
Video monitor
(for adjustment use only)
Powered speaker (option)
Powered speaker (option)
Plug-in power type
microphone (option)
Plug-in power type
microphone (option)
To the power supply
(24 V AC)
(when the ambient
temperature is
–30 °C {–22 °F}
or below)
To the power supply
(24 V AC)
(when the ambient
temperature is
–30 °C {–22 °F} or below)
RJ-45 female connector
(cable integrated type)
RJ-45 female connector
(cable integrated type)
Recommended total extended
cable length: 1 m {3.28 feet}