About hard disk drives
Images from cameras will be recorded on the HDD unit(s) in the recorder.
This recorder manages the hard disk drives by dividing them virtually into the following recording areas.
• Normalrecordingarea: Recordingareausedwhenaneventdoesnotoccur(Manualrecording,schedulerecording)
• Eventrecordingarea: Recordingareausedwhenaneventoccurs(Post-eventrecording,emergencyrecording).
• Pre-eventrecordingarea: Recordingareausedtorecordimagesbeforeaneventoccurs
It is possible to assign only one recording area to a hard disk drive.
The settings of each recording area can be configured on the disk configuration page. (+ Page 127)
Remaining capacities of each recording area can be checked on the disk configuration page or the "Maintenance" page - the
"Disk information" tab. (+ Page 119)
The RAID 5/RAID 6 mode becomes available when optional RAID boards (WJ-HDB601) are installed in the recorder and exten-
sion units.
When the RAID5/RAID mode is applied, 3 or more hard disk drives are regarded logically as a single drive. Even if a trouble
occurs in one of the hard disk drives, the data on the faulty HDD can be recovered based on the error correction data automati-
cally recorded on the other drives.
The RAID 5 mode has an error correction data that recovers data when a single hard disk drive becomes faulty. The RAID 6
mode has two error correction data that recovers data from other disk drives when two drives become faulty at the same time.
• LogicaldiskcapacityintheRAID5mode
Logical disk capacity = Capacity of the smallest hard disk drive among the unit x (Total number of the hard disk drives in the
recorder 1)
• LogicaldiskcapacityintheRAID6mode
Logical disk capacity = Capacity of the smallest hard disk drive among the unit x (Total number of the hard disk drives in the
recorder 2)
* Depending on the models of hard disk drives installed in the recorder, the capacity may be a few percent smaller.
• ToenabletheRAID5mode,itisnecessarytoinstall3ormoreharddiskdrivesintherecorder.ToenabletheRAID6mode,it
is necessary to install 4 or more hard disk drives in the recorder.
• WhenanoptionalRAIDboard(WJ-HDB601)isnotinstalledintherecorder,itisimpossibletoenabletheRAID5/RAID6
mode using the recorder alone.
• TheRAID5/RAID6modeisdeterminedusingthe[RAID]switchbehindthefrontcoveroftherecorder.(+ Page 20)
• RefertotheoperatinginstructionsofextensionunitsforfurtherinformationabouthowtodeterminetheRAID5/RAID6
Determine the operation mode
The RAID 5/RAID 6 mode is determined using the [RAID] switch (+ page 20) behind the front cover of the recorder.
Refer to page 54 for how to determine the operation mode.