Register, change, or delete a PC (host) accessible to this recorder
Select the [Host] tab on the "User mng." page. (+ Page 60)
The information of host that accesses the recorder via a network can be registered, changed and deleted on this tab.
Registers host information
Registers the host information such as the IP address, operation level and priority.
Select the [Registration] button after completing each setting item.
Enter an IP address. Enter 4 units from the decimal numbers
(0-255). Enter 4 units from the decimal numbers (0-254).
• Whenperformingthesettingsusingthewebbrowser,it
is possible to use "*" that stands for all numbers.
• Itisimpossibletoregister""and"∗.∗.∗.∗".
Display the operation level of a host.
Operable functions can be set in the "User level" tab
(+ page 112).
Default: LV1
Displays the settings to assign priorities to operate the
recorder in case two or more hosts access the recorder
1 (high)-16 (low)
Default: 1
Select a startup display to be displayed after login from the
Cam.1 to 16: Displays an image from the selected cam-
era channel on a single screen.
Refer to page 84 for further information about each setting
SEQ: Displays images from camera channels sequen-
tially according to the settings performed in advance.
Determine the operational functions of each camera channel.
View/Operate: Displaying live images, displaying
recorded images and controlling cameras are possi-
View: Displaying live images and displaying recorded
images are possible, but controlling cameras is
– –: Displaying live images, displaying recorded images
and controlling cameras are impossible.
Default: View/Operate
Select this button to display the "Host edit" page.
Select this button to change or delete the host information
that has been registered.
Registers the host information.