6.5.4 Interface Specifications (GT11)
Interface for connecting PLC/External devices
- COM port
Communication standard Conforms to RS232C
Conforms to RS422
condition with
Baud rate (bit/s) 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps
Data length (bit) 7, 8
Transmission distance
(Total length)
Max. 15 m
(Baud rate: 19200 bit/s)
Max. 500 m
(Baud rate: 115200 bit/s)
- MEWTOCOL (Protocol for PANASONIC PLC: FP series)
- General-purpose serial (PANASONIC dedicated protocol)
- Other companies' PLC protocols (For the details, refer to the latest
Connector terminal base (8-pin)
Note1) 2)
Note1) The (+) and (-) terminals are the power supply terminals for driving the main unit.
Note2) Regarding power supply voltage, please pay due consideration to the cable length so that the
applied voltage is within the operation voltage range.
Interface for transferring screen data
- TOOL port
Conforms to RS232C (Non insulation type)
Conditions for
with GTWIN
9600, 19200, 115200, 230400 bps
Note1) 2)
Note1) The baud rate of 230400 bps is available when the USB/RS232C conversion cable is used.
Note2) When the baud rate is set to 230400 bps, the connection using the GTWIN automatic
communication setting function is not possible. Set the GTWIN communication setting to 230400
bps, and then transfer data.
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