6.2 GT02
6.2.1 General Specifications (GT02)
Power consumption 1.9 W or less (80 mA or less)
1W or less
Breakdown voltage
Between [power supply terminals] and [case]
500 V AC for 1 minute, Cutoff current 10mA (at default setting)
Insulation resistance
Between [power supply terminals] and [case]
100 MΩ or more, 500 V DC, measured with megohmmeter (at default
Vibration resistance
5 to 8.4 Hz half amplitude 3.5 mm,
8.4 to 150 Hz acceleration 9.8 m/s
10 sweeps each in X, Y and Z directions (1 octave/min)
147 m/s
, 3 times on 3 axes
EN61131-2 (EMC Directive)
Noise immunity
1000 V [P-P] or more, Pulse width 50 ns, 1µs between power supply
terminals (based on in-house measurements)
Protective construction
IP67 (Initial value, evaluated by us)
Dustproof and drip-proof from front panel only (packing used on panel
contact surface)
Note1) When supplying the power from the TOOL port of a PLC (CPU unit), comfirm the PLC restrictions
such as the power supply capacity before use.
Note2) When using our exclusive cable.
Note3) When reattaching, replace waterproof packing.
Phone: 800.894.0412 - Fax: 888.723.4773 - Web: www.ctiautomation.net - Email: info@ctiautomation.net