Unit number PC RestrictionsI/O words
A IR 400 to IR 409
Not available in C200HE-CPUjj-E and
B IR 410 to IR 419
C200HG/HX-CPU3j-E/4j-E PCs.
C IR 420 to IR 429
D IR 430 to IR 439
E IR 440 to IR 449
F IR 450 to IR 459
Note I/O words that aren’t allocated to Special I/O Units can be used as work words.
Up to five Slave Racks may be used, whether one or two Masters are used. IR
area words are allocated to Slave Racks by the unit number on the Unit, as
shown in the following tables.
Unit number I/O words
0 IR 050 to IR 059
1 IR 060 to IR 069
2 IR 070 to IR 079
3 IR 080 to IR 089
4 IR 090 to IR 099
The C500-RT001/002-(P)V1 Remote I/O Slave Rack may be used, but it re-
quires 20 I/O words, not 10, and therefore occupies the I/O words allocated to 2
C200H Slave Racks, both the words allocated to the unit number set on the rack
and the words allocated to the following unit number. When using a C200HX/
HG/HE CPU Unit, do not set the unit number on a C500 Slave Rack to 4, be-
cause there is no unit number 5. With the C500 Slave Rack, I/O words are allo-
cated only to installed Units, from left to right, and not to slots as in the C200HX/
HG/HE Racks.
I/O words between IR 200 and IR 231 are allocated to Optical I/O Units and I/O
Terminals by unit number. The I/O word allocated to each Unit is IR 200+n,
where n is the unit number set on the Unit.
Remote Master I/O Units and Host Link Units do not use I/O words, and the PC
Link Units use the LR area, so words allocated to the slots in which these Units
are mounted are available as work words.
Bit Allocation for I/O Units An I/O Unit may require anywhere from 8 to 16 bits, depending on the model.
With most I/O Units, any bits not used for input or output are available as work
bits. Transistor Output Units C200H-OD213 and C200H-OD411, as well as Triac
Output Unit C200H-OA221, however, uses bit 08 for the Blown Fuse Flag. Tran-
sistor Output Unit C200H-OD214 uses bits 08 to 11 for the Alarm Flag. Bits 08 to
15 of any word allocated to these Units, therefore, cannot be used as work bits.
The Interrupt Input Unit uses the 8 bits of the first I/O word allocated to its slot in
the CPU Rack. (An Interrupt Input Unit will operate as a normal Input Unit when
installed in an Expansion I/O Rack.) The other 24 bits allocated to its slot in the
CPU Rack can be used as work bits.
Allocation for Optical I/O
Units and I/O Terminals
Allocation for Remote I/O
Master and Link Units
Bit Allocation for Interrupt
Input Units
IR (Internal Relay) Area Section 3-3