Instruction OFF execution time (µs)ON execution time (µs)ConditionsInstruction
MLB(52) Constant × word → word 16.95 31.65 0.313 0.469 0.938
Word × word → word 17.85 32.55
DM × DM → DM 49.3 64
Word ÷ constant → word
17.15 31.85 0.313 0.469 0.938
Word ÷ word → word
18.05 32.75
DM ÷ DM → DM
49.7 64.4
ADDL(54) Word + word → word 22.45 37.15 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM + DM → DM 53.9 68.6
SUBL(55) Word – word → word 22.45 37.15 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM – DM → DM 53.9 68.6
MULL(56) Word × word → word 110.6 125.3 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM × DM → DM 142.6 157.3
Word ÷ word → word
105.8 120.5 0.313 0.469 0.938
DM ÷ DM → DM
135.8 150.5
When converting words to words 35.15 49.85 0.313 0.469 0.938
When converting DM to DM 55.9 70.6
When converting words to words 25.75 40.45 0.313 0.469 0.938
When converting DM to DM 46.5 61.2
XFER(70) When transferring 1 word 45.3 44.2 0.313 0.469 0.938
When transferring 1,024 words using
655 653.9
When transferring 6,143 words using
3.66 ms (see
note 3)
BSET(71) When setting a constant to 1 word 19.75 34.45 0.313 0.469 0.938
When setting DM ms to 1,024 words
using DM
40.9 55.6
When setting DM ms to 6,144 words
using DM
52.3 67
ROOT(72) When taking root of word and placing in
a word
41.7 56.4 0.313 0.469 0.938
When taking root of 99,999,999 in DM
and placing in DM
85.5 100.2
XCHG(73) Between words 14.45 29.15 0.313 0.469 0.938
Between DM 36.45 51.15
SLD(74) When shifting 1 word 15.65 30.35 0.313 0.469 0.938
When shifting 1,024 DM words using
2.72 ms (see
note 2)
When shifting 6,144 DM words using
16.2 ms (see
note 2)
SRD(75) When shifting 1 word 15.65 30.35 0.313 0.469 0.938
When shifting 1,024 DM words using
2.72 ms (see
note 2)
When shifting 6,144 DM words using
16.2 ms (see
note 2)
MLPX(76) When decoding word to word 47.3 62 0.313 0.469 0.938
When decoding DM to DM 103.8 118.5
DMPX(77) When encoding a word to a word 28.45 43.15 0.313 0.469 0.938
When encoding DM to DM 111.8 126.5
Instruction Execution Times Section 6-3