1.2.5 Setting script options
If you need to define script options for your Internet connections, move to the Other page of
the Advanced settings dialog, and then press Script options. A script can automate the
connection between the communicator and the server.
Note: Scripts are not usually required when you establish a connection. To find
out whether you need a script, contact your ISP. Usually a script is required if the
login procedures do not use standard PPP authentication systems (PAP, CHAP or
1. Press Script options to open the Script options dialog.
2. Set Use login script to Yes in case your Internet service provider requires a login script,
or if you want to automate your login with a script yourself.
3. Set Display terminal window to Yes if you want to be able to see the execution of the
script or to interact with the terminal server during login. Note that this setting is only
available when Use login script is set to Yes.
4. To view and modify the script, press Edit script.
5. Type in the script. This information is provided by your Internet provider. Press Import
script to import script from a file. The scripting syntax is available from Forum Nokia, and
has to be imported in Unicode format. Note that the scripting syntax is not compatible
with the Nokia 9110 Communicator.
6. Press Done to finish.
7. Press Done to close script options.
1.2.6 Setting server address options
Note: Usually you do not have to alter Address options. Most ISPs support
automatic configuration of IP and DNS addresses.
1. Press Address options to open the server address options dialog.
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