2. In the Address options dialog, you can set the addresses of your Internet services. IP
addresses are unique strings of numbers that point to computers on the network. Set
Auto retrieve IP address to Yes if you want to obtain the IP addresses automatically from
the server (this is also called the dynamic IP). To type in the IP addresses on the fields
below, select No. Type in your IP address if Auto retrieve IP address is set to No. In this
case, your ISP will provide you with a fixed IP address.
3. If you cannot auto retrieve DNS addresses automatically, set Auto retrieve DNS address
to No, and type in the Primary DNS address and the Secondary DNS address if
necessary. DNS means 'domain name server,' that is, a server that translates domain
names (foo.bar.com) into IP addresses (of the type
4. Press Done to close the Address options dialog.
5. Press Done to close the Advanced settings dialog.
6. Press Done to close the Connection details dialog.
Note: New connections are set as the Preferred connection by default. To select
a different Preferred connection, follow the instructions in the next chapter.
To edit some additional settings of already configured Internet access points, press the Menu
key and open the Control panel under Tools (or open it from Extras). Open Internet access.
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