National Instruments Corporation 23 LabWindows/CVI Release Notes for Windows
Resolution Adjustment
When a panel is displayed on a screen with a different resolution than the screen on which
you edited the panel, the panel might appear too large or too small. The Edit Panel dialog
box in the User Interface Editor contains an option to scale the panel to the resolution of
the screen. You can choose to make no adjustment or an adjustment of up to 100 percent.
LabWindows/CVI saves your value for this option for each panel in the
.uir file.
LabWindows/CVI scales the panel and its contents when you call
LoadPanel or
LoadPanelEx in your program.
You can use the
ATTR_RESOLUTION_ADJUSTMENT system attribute to override the settings
in the
.uir file. To override the setting for a panel, call SetSystemAttribute to set the
ATTR_RESOLUTION_ADJUSTMENT attribute before you call LoadPanel or LoadPanelEx.
After calling
LoadPanel or LoadPanelEx, you can call GetPanelAttribute with
ATTR_RESOLUTION_ADJUSTMENT to obtain the setting that LabWindows/CVI saved in the
.uir file.
User Interface Editor Changes
Changes in the User Interface Editor accommodate the new panel and system attributes.
The Other Attributes dialog box that you can invoke from the Edit Panel dialog box now has
controls for the following items:
• Scale Contents on Resize
• Minimum Height for Rescaling
• Minimum Width for Rescaling
• Resolution Adjustment
The Floating Window option on the Other Attributes dialog box is renamed to Floating Style.
The Floating Style ring control contains the following choices:
• When App is Active
All controls in the Color Preferences section of the Preferences dialog box, except for the
Default Editor Background Color, are now in a new section called Preferences for New
Panels. The Preferences for New Panels section also includes a new Resolution Adjustment
A new Preferences for New Controls section specifies the default control and label text styles
for a new control.
A Default command button in the Color Preferences section allows you to return to the
original editor background color. On Windows, this is your system background color.