National Instruments Corporation 17 LabWindows/CVI Release Notes for Windows
checking for events. Use this function if you require LabWindows/CVI to use more CPU
resources so that other applications are given less processor time.
Clarifications and Corrections
The previous version of the manual incorrectly states that values for ATTR_XOFFSET and
ATTR_YOFFSET are expressed in inches. In fact, they are expressed in tenths of millimeters.
SetSystemPopupsAttribute and GetSystemPopupsAttribute do not apply to
Windows dialog boxes the User Interface Library uses. For example, you cannot use
SetSystemPopupAttribute to make the Windows file select dialog box movable.
The top-level panel callback receives the
EVENT_CLOSE message when the user executes the
Close command from the System menu or clicks on the X button at the right end of the panel
The main callback receives the
EVENT_END_TASK message when the user tries to shut down
Windows or when the user tries to terminate your application, for example, by executing
the Close command from taskbar button of the main thread.
When using the new function
SetBitmapData on a bitmap that already has
a mask, you can either supply the same mask array, supply a new mask array,
or pass
REMOVE_TRANSPARENCY_MASK to remove the mask. When you use
REMOVE_TRANSPARENCY_MASK, the color of the pixels that were transparent under the
old mask are unpredictable. You can set the value of these pixels in the bits parameter.
The following text is incorrect in the Using Callback Functions to Respond to User
Interface Events section of Chapter 3, Programming with the User Interface Library,
in the LabWindows/CVI User Interface Reference Manual: “A panel callback receives the
EVENT_SIZE and EVENT_MOVE messages when the user resizes or moves the panel. The
panel callback does not receive these messages when you programmatically resize or move
a panel.”
LabWindows/CVI posts the events
you programmatically move or resize a panel. The panel callback receives the events
when the application processes events.
The manual incorrectly defines the return value description for
The returned integer parameter is defined as follows:
Direct Windows Printing
On all Windows platforms, the User Interface Library now uses direct Windows printing
by default. Previously, the library used only bitmap printing. The new print attribute
ATTR_BITMAP_PRINTING specifies whether to use bitmap printing or direct printing.
menuItemID Returns the ID that LabWindows/CVI uses to specify this menu item
in subsequent function calls. Negative values indicate that an error
occurred. Refer to Appendix A for error codes.